Lightwave DNA Infusions



This is a new series of Lightwave frequency codes that speed up the DNA reassembling process, increasing your Avatar abilities, advancing your consciousness more rapidly and allowing your body to youthen and heal much more quickly. These infusions will also enhance your long term memory and increase your mental capacity to hold complex levels of information and data coming in from the galactic realms. Additionally, the different races are adding their own DNA genetic code enhancements to help us evolve more quickly.


DNA Code Infusion Process


Step 1: Run two fingers from your transmission hand across the code from left to right.
This motion allows you to energetically scan the code with your fingers.

Step 2: Next, speak and Lightwave the color sequence of this code,
which will integrate the DNA code into the body.

Step 3: Repeat for each code.

Special Note – This process should be done three times either consecutively or at different intervals during the course of the week to fully activate the codes.


DNA Codes web

Lightwave DNA Codes Accelerator

You can do the initial process on yourself using the image above, but if you wish to continue, or include this in your Lightwave process for clients.


Pleiadian Symbol Code #329 – Land of 1000 Suns #231 – Return of the Butterfly People #210 – Center:   – Pleiadian Healing Crown, #202 – Vril Staff From Agartha #2oo – Fascination #51  

Geometries of Light #82 – Lightwave Healing Matrix #67 – Lightwave Balancing Matrix #55 –  Lightwave Awaken Matrix #54 – Lightwave Assistance Matrix #51

Digital Accelerators

Something New D82 – New AC Human Force-Field D63 – Center:  New! Safe Travels Animated Accelerator – Alexander Sheran & the Terran Fleet #D73  


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Lightwave Special #1 – 10 Accelerators for $55

…you can choose any of the accelerators below or choose from any of our Galleries, Digital Accelerators, Medical Templates and Ascended Master Prints!


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Lightwave Special #2

Domestic: Purchase $80 or more from our Stargate Shop & Galleries and get one of our new Crystal Pendants w/Stainless Steel Chain…for men, women & children…Bryan will tune in and choose a crystal for you!

International: Purchase $135 or more from our Stargate Shop & Galleries and get one of our new Crystal Pendants w/Stainless Steel Chain…for men, women & children…Bryan will tune in and choose a crystal for you!

…purchases for this special can be a combination of Stargate Products, Accelerators, Medicals, Instant Activations, Masterworks, Medicals, Ascended Master Prints,  Ashtar Command CD’s.


Lightwave Special #3 

Purchase $175 or more of the following products….Masterworks, Instant Activations, Accelerators, Digital images, Ashtar Command music CD’s or Stargate products and receive a FREE….

‘Golden Ticket’

to the Ashtar Command Update ‘The Poison Apple…Get Ready, Stay Alert & Be Prepared!’  March 9th.



New!   Follow-Along with Bryan Lightwave Audio MP3’s!


Lightwave on the Go! (for your car, your daily walk, bike ride etc)  $11


Lightwave Morning Energize & Protect! (for healing & setting up your morning protects, force-fields etc.)  $11


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Turn your hands into musical instruments!  This fun Lightwave experience will inspire your mind and supercharge your hands with musical magic, giving you an extra frequency boost to manifest your dreams & energize the world around you!

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Lightwave Special Accelerators

& Other Lightwave Items!


Brand New!!! 2024 Hard Cover Lightwave Manual

Full-Color…includes all 24 processes (including Science & Magic)  All future upgrades can be added easily…there is no need to ever buy a new manual again!


Processes include…Color Spectrum Therapy, Master Class, DNA infusion, Performance Channel, Gold Star, Personality Cloning, Restoration Spell, Etheric Temple Building, Psychic Projection, Psy-Ops 7 the Psychic Scanner, Body Re-Shaping, Akashic Record Blueprinting, Teleportation, Gene Editing, Unified Chakra Field Process, Star Magic, 911 & the Archangel Scepters,  Regenerating Life & Healing with Symbols, Blue Star Spark of Life, Advanced Integrated Lightwave Commands, St Michaels Tools for Defending the Realm, Diamond Star Lightwave, Stargates, Earth Portals & Holographic Magic, Lyran Star & Inteplanetary Lightwave Infusions!


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sm Lightwave Poster 2015 (final)
Lightwave Poster
16" x 23" ~ $35
web LW Poster Purple 2014
Lightwave Session Room Poster
12.75" x 28" ~ $35

*Use the “Special Instructions” box or “Note to Seller” link during checkout to let us

know which images you would like or  email us at with your choices!


Thank you for attending the Lightwave Training!

 Permission is not given to copy, print, photograph or share these Lightwave training pages, images or text in any way!

Questions? Email us at